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Habichtswald Nature Park Zum Content scrollen
Habichtswald Nature Park

Habichtswald Nature Park is one of hundred German Nature Parks in the centre of Germany. Its size is  474 square  kilometers and is located  west of the City of Kassel.

Functions of the Nature Park

The function of the Nature Park is, to develop  nature and  the unique cultural value of our region effectively. Greater aim is the balance between intact nature, economic well-being and a good quality of life. Nature Parks are model sceneries for the development of rural regions.

That’s why in the Habichtswald Nature Park one has put certain main focuses:

To allow “access” to the Nature Park it is important to provide a sufficient and adequate infrastructure. For this Habichtswald Nature Park cares for 70 car parks and about 450 km of footpaths with facilities such as protecting huts, play grounds and rest benches.  In Winter, the Nature Park management also maintains  cross-country trails in higher regions.

Another job of the Nature Park is to inform people in most different  ways  about our region. That’s why the Habichtswald Nature Park offers its own events and promotes its partners. The subject variety is as big as the target groups. It is a special concern of the Nature Park management  to fascinate children and young people for nature and environment-conscious being. The idea of the Nature Park contains drawing attention to the quality and advantages of our regional products, in order to strengthen the regional added value. For this direct marketers are particularly promoted and supported by the Nature Park.

The Nature Park Information Centre

In the Habichtswald Nature Park Information Centre on the mountain Dörnberg and near the small town of Zierenberg our visitors receive detailed information about the Nature Park and his natural-spatial, historical and geological conditions, offers for  spare time and events in the area of the Nature Park.

The attached exhibition shows interesting facts on the subjects  geology, history  and nature conservation. Regional products, books, travelling maps and art crafts are offered in the entrance hall.

The Nature Park Centre is an ideal starting point for wanderings in the national trust property “Dörnberg”, the probably most impressive scenery of the Nature Park.

The newest offer in the Nature Park Centre is a cross-country wheel chair “Joelette”, which people with mobility problems  can borrow for the exploration of nature.  For wanderings with “Joelette” there are special routes with different degrees of difficulty .